Sunday, November 30, 2008

12-1 First Thing

What is the first thing you notice about a person? Why?


melody said...

the first thing i notice about a person is the way they act to people that are new or they dont know,but i also notice if they're mean or they're nice to everybody around them.

Jessica said...

the first thing i notice is the way the person acts. Because some people can be spoiled and mean and others can be very friendly and caring

Anonymous said...

the firsst thing i notice about a person is that if they look mean or nice,but sometimes i may be wrong cause sometimes it turns out to be a mistake maybe if they look mean they maybe very nice.some peolple may talk about people and i really dont like that that is one thing i nalso notice about a person so i know i she is nice or mean (maybe) just by lookinging at them:)

Anonymous said...

The first thing I notice about a person is they personality like if they should my friend or if they shouldn't be my friend. that is what I see in a person.

Anonymous said...

the first thing i notice about a person is if they are crazy, calm, a person who makes people laugh, maby they're quiet maby they're loud or they could be a leader or a follower maby if there nice or mean or if they are a good friend. ya i pretty much notice there personalities or maby the way they look like they're hair color or how they dress. that is the first thing i notice about a person

Anonymous said...

hte first thing i notice about a person is the way they act around other people if they act funny then i know that they are going to be funny but if there mean then you would know if the person is the type you want to be around with its all on their ways that they act or personality traits but if you could deal with them you could make freinds with them

Anonymous said...

the first thing i notice a bout a person is the way they look because i alwaya see some one and notice what they are wearing and i also notice if there shy or outgoing

Anonymous said...

The first thing that I notice about a person is that they want to be friendly or if they want to be jerks to everybody they see.

ANA M said...

The first thing I notice about a person is the way that the act around me and other people because they could be really nice to me, and they can also be mean.

Anonymous said...

The first thing i notice about a person is how they see others and not of themselves.I say this because you should always think of others before yourself.

Anonymous said...

hello hope you had a nice vac.
well yeah anyways uhm yeah!

The first thing i notice is a persons looks such as eyes, because i don't believe i have color in my own. Then there's their smile, because i'm a verry happy person and love smiling... Another thing besides look is personality i see how people act that way i know what i have to do to make them comfortable, or just laugh!
- Jasmaine S.

Unknown said...

The first think i notice about a person is there eyes and the way they smell. Also i notice there personality and the way they act around others. I really dont know why i think that, but just when i look at someone i atomaticly look into their eyes, or just wait till they are as crazy as me.....
shannon T
per. 5

Anonymous said...

The first thing I notice about a person is how the react to what i say or do, usually I dont notice a person unless I talk to them. If their reaction is something that seems like they dont like me, i usualy try to aviod them.

Anonymous said...

The first thing I notice about a person is there appearance.

Anonymous said...

the first thing i notice about a person whe i meet some one i look at their apperance like how they6 look or how they dress.I also look at if they have long hair or short hair.i notice if they are like a skater or a sports person.and i notice if theyn act the same around me and how they act with their other friends.if they are different they i wouldnt want to hang out with them that would be really anoyying :-)

jaker said...

he first thing i notice about a person is thgeir apperance like how they dress.If they have long or short hair and stuff like that.I also notice if they act the same around me like how thay do with thier other frinds. If they act different i prabably wouldnt be hanging out with them. Becuase that would be really anoying

Anonymous said...

The first thing i notice about a person is the way they act. Because some people can be spoild and snotty. I can also notice if they are mean if they are mean i will not pay attion to them. i can tell i fthey are funny or not.

Anonymous said...

The first thing i notice in a person is thier apperance. for example if they have short or long hair and if they skate then i now we will be really good freinds.

Anonymous said...

The first thing I notice about someone is how they act and their apperance.

Anonymous said...

the first thing i notice about a person is the way they act becaus eif they're mean then i don't think i'll want to hang out with them, but if they're friendly i might want to go over and talk to them.

Anonymous said...

The first thing I notice about someone is there cloths because I am a big style person

jaker said...

The first thing that i notice on a person is fashion because it show your way of being.If you are too girly that is to much of a wannabe.If you wear kind of rock you are most to be funny and fun to hang out.

Anonymous said...

what i can tell about a person is that if they are looking friendly or just plain mean.well i know my friends and when i met them i new they wre going to be good friends but, there was one that she just talked stuff behind our backs and i new it just by looking at her that she was'nt a real friend and thte rest ogf our still BEST FRIEND FOR LIFE!!!!!!!!!:)LoL

Danica said...

the first thing i notice about a person is if they look happy or depressed. i really like happy people more than sad people because they are a lot more fun to be around.

Hugo said...

The first thing i noticed is that some people can be mean and others can be nice or friendly with other people

Anonymous said...

the first thing I notice about a person is that whether they're nice or not because the way they react to others is evidence.

Anonymous said...

The first thing I notice about aperson is what they do because if they tempt on doing drugs doing sexual stuff in relationships at this age I they are way off but if a person just likes to have fun, hanging out,and the appropiate at this age thats the type of friends I hang out with.

Anonymous said...

The first thing I see in a person is how they act. I can tell if their mean or funny. Rude or nice. The other thing I see first in a person is their apperance. You can also tell how people act by the clothes that they wear.

Anonymous said...

The first thing i notice in a person is there personality.Mostly i do this first because if i don't i may be judging somebody by what they look like or something elese or just how they act.Like the qoute"Dont judge a book by its cover".Also i notice there actions because they can be good or bad wich tells alot of a person.

Anonymous said...

the first thing i notice about a person is the way they act, because if they are snobby , stuck up or bossy then i dont like them because thats not cool.;]

Anonymous said...

The first thing I notice abaut a person is their eyes, because that way I now they are taking to me.

Anonymous said...

The first thing I notice about a person is if they are creative or not, if they are not creative they probebly boring. That is how I know if they are going to be a good friend. That is the first thing I notice about a person.

Anonymous said...

the first thing i notice about a person is their personality towards me and other people if they are mean then i wouldnt want to be their friend if they are really nice then thats who i would want as one of my friends .

Anonymous said...

The fist thing i notice about a person is how they would act around people. It's not always about how they look, its the way you would see them. At times people would see people as fake, mean,selfish,rude, or spoild!!
But i have real firnds tht might seen weird but are the most awsome people tht i would of ever meet

Anonymous said...

The first thing I notice about a person is the way they act around people and me and there smile because the way they act can tell so much about a person and there smile because i like the way some people smile wich can tell you if the person will be kool with you or have a sense of humor.

Anonymous said...

the first thing i notice in a person is there personality and how they act,i look in them those reasons because i dont want to hang out with a trouble maker or someone with a bad personality.

Anonymous said...

The first thing I notice about people is if they act nice or mean and how they react to evryone around them.

Anonymous said...

well if i could sat that the first thing that i noyic about a person is there personality because that tells a lot about a peson then i notic what people think about them

Anonymous said...

their eyes because im used to looking people in the eyes.

Anonymous said...

The first thing I notice about a person is there look because the look can say alot about them like if they look old and had raggy clothes that might mean they are homeless. If they have really nice clothes that are band name the are rich..also it can teel there presonality..

Anonymous said...

The first thing I notice about a person is that things he or she is wearing or there personaltiy

Anonymous said...

The first thing i notice about a person is their shoes because for some reason im always looking down.

Anonymous said...

the first thing i notice is the facial expresion and there clothe style

Anonymous said...

the first I notice about a person is their nose because a nose can tell alot about a person like if there nose is runny or if they use tissues and if they have hygene.

Anonymous said...

The first thing I notice is what they are like and the way they talk. Why I dont really know why thats just what I first notice.

Anonymous said...

The first thing I notice about somebody is if they: skate, play football, or they dirtbike then that would be sick.

Anonymous said...

the first thing i notice about a person is their personaitly because you might or ight not have anything in common.

Anonymous said...

The first thing I notice about a person is it's smile..i alaways look at the way the smile[:

Anonymous said...

i notice they're personality and how they act

Anonymous said...

The first thing I notice about a person is there personality if there nice and friendly or if they are mean and roude.

Anonymous said...

the first thing i notice about a person is their personality b/c you tell alot by a person's actions if they're rude and mean or freindly and caring

Anonymous said...

The first thing that I notice about a person is probably how much positive energy they give off because if you want to be around someone you want them to have lots of positivity.

Anonymous said...

The first thing i notice about a person is how they act around people.

Anonymous said...

I first see if there happy or have a really negative personallity.

Anonymous said...

the first thing that i notice is the way people look or act...
it just depends...

Anonymous said...

the first thing I notice about a person is if they are nice or not if they are nice I talk to them
I also like a person if they like bikes

Anonymous said...

The 1st thing i notice about people is the way they treat other people and me and if they are funny.

Anonymous said...

I notice their clothes because I like clothes and designing my own! It also expresses people!

Anonymous said...

The first thing i notice about a person is how they act to people because if they are mean then people are probably not going to be around that person.

chelsea v. said...

the first thing i notice about a person is the way they dress because the way they dress shows their personality.

ally s. said...

the first thing i notice about a person is their clothes because their clothes express their personality